Which platform is best for blogging in 2024 : expert advice


Which platform is best for blogging

Which platform is best for blogging

Which Platform Is Best for Blogging?

When creating online material, it is critical to select the correct blogging platform. It can be overwhelming to have so many alternatives, each with its own set of features. This post will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each platform, allowing you to make an informed decision.


Blogging is an effective way for individuals and businesses to exchange ideas, promote products, and engage with audiences. Whether you're a new or experienced blogger, choosing the right blogging platform can make all the difference. This post will examine the main blogging platforms and what they provide.

Also, read what is blogging in digital marketing

Also, read the Advantages and Disadvantages of blogging

What we understand in this article 

  • Top Blogging Platforms
  • WordPress.org: The Big Daddy of Blogging
  • WordPress.com: Easy and Simple
  • Blogger: Google’s Simple Blogging Platform
  • Squarespace: All-in-One Website Builder
  • Medium: Write First
  • Ghost: For Pro Bloggers
  • Weebly
  • Tumblr
  • Factors to Look At When Selecting a Blogging Platform
  • which blogging platform is best for SEO
  • Which is the greatest blogging platform for making money
  • which blogging platform is best for writers
  • Best blogging site to use your unique domain for free.
  • Best Tool for More Than Just Blogging
  • Quick Start Blogging Platform
  • Best blog site for total control.
  • Summary
  • FAQs

Top Blogging Platforms

WordPress.org: The Big Daddy of Blogging

Which platform is best for blogging

WordPress.org is widely regarded as the greatest blogging platform. It provides complete customization, a vast library of plugins, and complete control over your website. WordPress.org allows you to create a blog as basic or complicated as you want.


  • Total Control: Control over the design and functionality of your site.

  • Plugin Library: Over 55,000 plugins to add to your site.

  • SEO Friendly: Built-in SEO tools and plugins like Yoast SEO.

  • Customizable Themes: Thousands of free and premium themes.

  • Community Support: Large community with documentation and support forums.


  • Customizable: Thousands of themes and plugins.

  • Control: Control over the functionality and design of your site.

  • SEO Friendly: Advanced SEO tools to optimize your content.


  • Complex: Steeper learning curve for beginners.

  • Costs: Separate hosting and domain name purchases are required.

Best For

  • Serious bloggers who want total control and customization.

  • Businesses and professional bloggers.

  • Those who want to monetize their blog heavily.

WordPress.com: Easy and Simple

Which platform is best for blogging

WordPress.com is a hosted version of WordPress. Easy to set up, making it ideal for beginners who want to get started blogging without having to deal with technical issues.


  • Hosted: No need to buy separate hosting.

  • Easy to Use: Drag and drop interface.

  • Built-in SEO and Social Sharing: SEO tools and social sharing options are built in.

  • Free Plan: Basic free plan with premium options.


  • User Friendly: Easy to set up and manage.

  • Maintenance Free: Hosting, backups, and security are handled for you.

  • Free: The basic plan is free.


  • Limited Customization: Fewer customization options than WordPress.org.

  • Ads: The free plan has ads, which can be removed with a paid plan.

Best For

  • Beginners who want an easy-to-use platform.

  • Hobby bloggers and small personal blogs.

  • Those who want a hands-off approach to technical maintenance.

Blogger: Google’s Simple Blogging Platform

Which platform is best for blogging

Blogger is a free platform operated by Google. It's ideal for hobby bloggers who desire a stress-free blogging experience.

Also, read the How to Read Free website on blogger


  • Google Integration: Integrated with Google services like AdSense and Analytics.

  • Free Hosting: Completely free with a blogspot.com subdomain.

  • Simple Interface: Easy to use and manage.

  • Custom Domain: Option to use a custom domain.


  • Free: No costs.

  • Easy Integration: Integrated with Google services.

  • User-Friendly: It is simple and easy to set up.


  • Limited Features: Fewer customization and functionality options.

  • Ownership: Google owns your content, which can be a problem for some.

Best For

  • Beginners and casual bloggers.

  • Those looking for a simple free blogging solution.

  • Users who are in the Google ecosystem.

Squarespace: All-in-One Website Builder

Which platform is best for blogging

Squarespace is well-known for its stunning layouts and all-in-one website builder. Ideal for bloggers who want a stunning website with little effort.


  • Beautiful Templates: Award-winning, customizable templates.

  • All in One: Hosting, domain, and SSL included.

  • E-commerce: Built-in e-commerce capabilities.

  • 24/7 Support: Great customer support.


  • Design: Beautiful professional templates.

  • Ease of Use: Drag and drop editor.

  • Support: Great customer support.


  • Cost: More expensive than others.

  • Flexibility: Fewer customization options than WordPress.org


Best For

  • Beginners and small businesses.

  • Visual-focused blogs like photography or portfolio sites.

  • Those looking for a quick and straightforward setup.

Medium: Write First

Which platform is best for blogging

Medium is a platform for writers. It offers a simple and basic interface that prioritizes content above website modification.


  • Built-In Audience: Access to Medium’s large user base.

  • Clean Minimalistic Design: Focus on content, not distractions.

  • Easy to Use: Simple publishing platform.

  • Monetization: Partner Program to earn money through writing.


  • Simplicity: Focused on writing and content.

  • Audience: Built-in readership and community.

  • No Setup: Easy to start and manage.


  • Customization: Limited control over design and functionality.

  • Monetization: Fewer monetization options.

Best For

  • Writers who care more about content than design.

  • Those who want to build an audience fast.

  • Bloggers who don’t care about full site ownership.

Ghost: For Pro Bloggers

Which platform is best for blogging

Ghost is for professional bloggers. It’s fast.


  • Open Source: Full control and customization.

  • Fast and Performance: Lightweight.

  • Subscription and Membership: Built-in monetization tools.

  • SEO and AMP: Built-in SEO and AMP support.


  • Speed: Fast.

  • Writing: Clean.

  • SEO: Good.


  • Technical Knowledge: Requires some tech skills.

  • Paid: No free plan.


  • Pro bloggers and publishers.

  • Those who want to monetize their content with subscriptions.

  • Those with tech skills or willing to hire a developer.


Which platform is best for blogging

Weebly is a free website builder 


  • Drag-and-Drop Builder: No code required.

  • E-commerce Integration: Built-in e-commerce.

  • Responsive Themes: Mobile templates.

  • SEO Tools: Basic SEO.


  • Easy to use.

  • Good for small businesses and e-commerce.

  • Hosting included.


  • Less customization than WordPress.

  • Not ideal for complex sites.

  • The free plan has Weebly branding.


  • Small businesses and entrepreneurs.

  • Beginners who want an easy platform.

  • Quick setup with hosting.


Which platform is best for blogging


  • Microblogging Platform: Good for short, multimedia posts.

  • Social Features: Strong community and social.

  • Free to Use: Free for basic features.

  • Customizable Themes: Free and premium themes.


  • Easy to use with the community.

  • Good for multimedia.

  • Free with paid options.


  • Not good for long-form content.

  • Not for professional blogging.

  • Less control over SEO and monetization.


  • Casual bloggers and hobbyists.

  • Those who like social and multimedia.

  • Free and simple blogging.

Factors to Look At When Selecting a Blogging Platform

Ease of Use

Ease of use is essential, particularly for novices. Platforms such as WordPress.com, Blogger, and Wix provide simple interfaces, allowing you to start blogging without prior technical knowledge.

Customization Options

Platforms such as WordPress.org and Wix are ideal for those who desire complete control over the appearance and functionality of their blogs. These platforms include several customization options via themes, plugins, and drag-and-drop editors.


Budgeting is key. Beginners might benefit from free platforms such as Blogger and WordPress.com's basic plan. However, for advanced features and more control, you may need to pay for subscription plans or add-on services such as hosting.


Good SEO is essential for driving organic visitors to your blog. WordPress.org is well-known for its SEO features, while Squarespace and Ghost are also effective SEO tools.

Also, read the 13 Advantages and 13 disadvantages of SEO

Support and Community

Access to support and community is critical, especially if you have problems. WordPress.com, Squarespace, and Wix offer excellent customer service and an engaged user community.


If you want to monetize your blog, consider platforms that offer advertising and e-commerce options. WordPress.org and Squarespace are wonderful options for anyone looking to make money from their blogs.

which blogging platform is best for SEO

Which platform is best for blogging

When selecting a blogging platform with SEO in mind, various factors are considered, including control over on-page SEO features, availability of SEO plugins or tools, site speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall platform flexibility. Here's an in-depth look at the finest SEO platforms.


Why It’s Best for SEO

Full Control Over SEO: WordPress.org provides complete control over your site's on-page SEO features. You can change meta tags, URLs, and alt texts, as well as create unique titles and descriptions.

SEO Plugins: WordPress.org includes a large selection of SEO plugins, including Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. These plugins include advanced functionality like XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs, content analysis, and more.

Site Speed: Caching plugins (such as W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache) and CDN services (such as Cloudflare) can help WordPress blogs load faster.

Mobile-Friendliness: WordPress themes are extremely adaptable, and many are mobile-friendly, which is critical for SEO.

Customizable Permalinks: WordPress allows you to alter your URL structure, which helps you create SEO-friendly URLs.


  • Full customization and control.

  • Huge plugin ecosystem.

  • High flexibility and scalability.


  • Requires some technical knowledge.

  • Ongoing maintenance and updates.


Why It’s Good for SEO

Built-In SEO Features: Squarespace has built-in SEO tools including automatic XML sitemaps, SSL certificates, and customizable meta descriptions.

Clean Code and Fast Load Times: Squarespace sites are known for their clean code and fast load times both of which are ranking factors.

Mobile-Responsive Templates: All Squarespace templates are mobile responsive so your site looks good on all devices.

Easy Integration: Squarespace makes it easy to integrate Google Analytics and other SEO tools.


  • User-friendly with built-in SEO tools.

  • Mobile responsive and clean design.

  • Reliable hosting and security.


  • Customization options are less flexible than those provided by WordPress.

  • Higher cost compared to other platforms.


Why It’s Considered for SEO

SEO Wiz: Wix has an SEO Wiz tool that guides you through the process of optimizing your site.

Customizable Meta Tags: You can customize meta tags, titles, and descriptions for each page.

Mobile Optimization: Wix sites are mobile optimized which is important for SEO.

SSL Certificates: Free SSL certificates are provided which enhances site security and SEO.


  • User-friendly with beginner SEO tools.

  • Nice templates.

  • No external hosting is required.


  • Less flexible than WordPress.

  • Performance issues with complex sites.

Which is the greatest blogging platform for making money

Which platform is best for blogging

Making money with a blog necessitates a platform that supports several revenue streams such as advertising, affiliate marketing, product sales, and membership subscriptions. Here's a breakdown of the top blogging sites for making money.


Why It’s Best to Make Money

Monetization Options: WordPress.org supports a variety of revenue strategies, including adverts (Google AdSense), affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling products or services.

E-commerce: Using plugins like WooCommerce, you may create an online store and sell things directly from your blog.

Membership and Subscription Models: Plugins such as MemberPress and Restrict Content Pro enable you to build membership sites and charge for premium content.

Ad Management: There are numerous ad management plugins, including Ad Inserter and Advanced Ads.


  • Full control over monetization.

  • Many plugins to support multiple income streams.

  • Scalable for any business model.


  • More setup and maintenance.

  • Initial learning curve for beginners.


Why It’s Good to Make Money

Medium Partner Program: Medium allows writers to earn money based on the engagement (reads, claps) their stories get from Medium members.

Built-in Audience: Medium has a large audience, so you don’t need to market your posts to get traffic.

No setup required: You don’t need to worry about hosting or technical maintenance.


  • Instant access to a large audience.

  • Simple monetization through the Partner Program.

  • No technical setup or maintenance is required.


  • Limited control over monetization methods.

  • At the mercy of Medium’s platform and policies.


Why It’s Considered to Make Money

Subscription Model: Substack allows you to charge subscribers for your content, perfect for newsletters and premium content.

Easy Setup: Substack takes care of all the technical stuff, including payment processing and email distribution.

Audience Discovery: Substack promotes your publication to potential subscribers.


  • Content monetization through subscriptions.

  • No technical maintenance is required.

  • Great support for writers and content creators.


  • Limited customization and control over your site.

  • Revenue depends on the subscriber base.

which blogging platform is best for writers

Which platform is best for blogging

Writers need a platform that prioritizes content creation, ease of use, and audience engagement. Here’s a breakdown of the best blogging platforms for writers.


Why It’s Best for Writers

Writing Focus: Medium’s simple design is focused on the content, so no distractions.

Built-in Audience: Medium’s large audience can help writers get more traffic without much marketing.

Engagement Tools: Claps, highlights, and responses encourage reader engagement and interaction.

Medium Partner Program: Writers can earn money based on the engagement their stories get from Medium members.


  • Easy to use, no setup.

  • Instant access to a large audience.

  • Writing and reader focus.


For Writers

Easy to use: Focus on writing.

Customizable themes: For writers.

SEO and social sharing: Built-in.

No maintenance: Hosting, security, and updates are taken care of.


  • Set up and manage easy.

  • No tech is required.

  • Good tools for SEO and audience.


  • Less flexibility than WordPress.org.

  • Ads on free plans.


For Writers

Writing focused: Clean, distraction-free writing environment with Markdown.

Built-in membership and subscription models: Membership sites and subscriptions so writers can monetize their content directly.

Speed and performance: Ghost is fast and lightweight, a smooth read.

SEO features: Built-in SEO tools and AMP.


  • Self-hosting is required unless using Ghost(Pro).

  • Less flexible than WordPress.org for customization.

Best Blogging Sites to Use Your Unique Domain for Free

Which platform is best for blogging


WordPress.com is an excellent choice for bloggers who want to utilize their own domain for free. You can begin with a free plan that includes a WordPress subdomain, and then map your own domain to your blog for free. Here I explain why it sticks out:

Ease of Use: WordPress.com is simple to use and ideal for beginners. No technological skills are necessary.

Customization: The free plan provides a limited number of customization choices, but there are plenty to make your blog seem unique and professional.

Community and Support: WordPress.com has a vast community and plenty of documentation so it’s easy to locate help and resources.

SEO Friendly: The platform is SEO-optimized, so search engines will find your blog.


Blogger, owned by Google, is another wonderful alternative for individuals who want to use their unique name for free. You can build a blog with a blogspot.com subdomain and you can also use your own unique domain for free. Here’s why Blogger is great:

Free Domain Mapping: Blogger has free domain registration so you will use your own domain for free.

Google Integration: As a Google product, Blogger connects with other Google services such as AdSense, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console, making it simple to monetize and track your blog.

Simplicity: Blogger is simple and easy to use so it’s perfect for beginners who want to start blogging fast.

Reliable Hosting: With Google’s infrastructure you can rely on uptime and fast loading times for your blog.

Best Tool for More Than Just Blogging


Squarespace is ideal for people who want their blog to be integrated into a larger website. Here's why it's the best option:

All-in-One: Squarespace allows you to create a full website with e-commerce, portfolios, and blogs all in one.

Design Flexibility: With its award-winning templates and drag-and-drop builder you can create beautiful professional websites without any coding skills.

Marketing Tools: Squarespace has email campaigns, social media integration, and SEO so you can grow your online presence.

Hosting: Squarespace has reliable hosting so your site will always be up.

Quick Start Blogging Platform


Medium is ideal for those who wish to start writing right away without having to bother about the technical aspects. Here's why Medium is a quick start.

Simplicity: Medium’s interface is clean and easy to use so you can focus on writing and publishing your content without hassle.

Built-in Audience: Medium has a large audience so your posts get more visibility and can go viral.

Monetization: Medium’s Partner Program pays you based on engagement so you have an incentive to write good stuff.

No Setup Required: No hosting, design, or maintenance to worry about—Medium takes care of everything for you.

Best Blog Site for Total Control

Which platform is best for blogging


WordPress.org is for bloggers who want complete control over their websites. Here's why it's the greatest for complete control.

Full Customization: With WordPress.org you can fully customize your site with themes, plugins, and custom code so it’s as unique as your imagination.

Ownership: You own your content and have full control over your site’s functionality and data, unlike some other platforms that may restrict you.

Scale: WordPress.org can scale from small personal blogs to big complex sites.

Huge Community and Resources: A massive user base and developer community means thousands of themes, plugins, and support forums.

Expert Advice

If you want a Blog with Total Control full customization options and Full SEO options my advice is to go with Wordpress.org but if you want to invest some money to buy hosting and if you want a free platform go with Blogger or basic plans of WordPress.com or Wix but in these platforms, there are many limitations so if can invest some money so wordpress.org is the best option for you


The best blogging platform for you depends on your needs and ambitions. WordPress.org is for serious bloggers. For beginners, WordPress.com and Blogger are simple to use. Squarespace and Wix are design platforms. Medium is for authors. Ghost is for professionals.

Finally, the greatest platform is one that aligns with your goals, technical skills, and budget. By taking these factors into account, you may select a blogging platform that will help you achieve your goals.


1. Which one is for beginners?

WordPress.com and Blogger are ideal for novices due to their user-friendly interfaces and setup.

2. Can I monetize my website using these platforms?

Yes, platforms like WordPress.org, Squarespace, and Wix include monetization alternatives such as adverts and e-commerce connectors.

3. Do I need tech skills for WordPress.org?

Yes, WordPress.org requires some technical knowledge for setup and maintenance, but it offers extensive customization and control.

4. Is there a free blogging platform?

Yes, Blogger and the basic plans of WordPress.com and Wix are free, but with adverts and restricted capabilities.

5. Which one has the best SEO?

WordPress.org is well-known for its SEO tools and numerous plugins that can help you improve your content.

6. Can I switch later?

Yes, it is possible to transfer platforms, but it can be a difficult process including data migration and design changes.