How to start freelancing as a student with no experience in 2024 | Top 15 Points

     How to start freelancing as a student with no   

experience in 2024

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience


In today's digital age, freelancing is an excellent option for students to make money while gaining experience. If you're wondering how to start freelancing as a student with no experience, start by identifying your abilities and completing online classes to strengthen them. 

Create a solid profile on services such as Upwork or Fiverr and demonstrate your eagerness to learn. Offer lower rates to attract your first clients and create a portfolio. With hard work, you can use your knowledge and new skills to launch a successful freelance job while still in school

This article provides you complete knowledge about How to start freelancing as a student with no experience let's get started.

What we understand in this article

  • what is freelancing
  • How Freelancing works
  • Why freelancing is an excellent choice for students
  • How to start freelancing as a student with no experience 15 points
  • 1. Identify Your Skills and Interests
  • 2. Learn and Develop Skills
  • 3. Create a Portfolio
  • 4. Set Up an Online Presence
  • 5. Join Freelance Platforms
  • 6. Network and Connect
  • 7. Leverage Your Existing Network
  • 8. Offer Competitive Rates
  • 9. Seek Small Gigs and Projects
  • 10. Focus on Delivering Quality Work
  • 11. Ask for Feedback and Testimonials
  • 12. Learn Time Management
  • 13. Handle Finances Professionally
  • 14. Keep Learning and Improving
  • 15. Stay Persistent and Patient
  • What are some common freelancing mistakes to avoid?
  • How do I handle difficult clients?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

First, understand what is freelancing

Freelancing is similar to being your own boss in the internet world. Instead of working for a single employer, freelancers take on multiple tasks for different clients. It allows you to work from any place and set your hours.

 Imagine designing graphics for a startup one week and writing magazine articles the next! Freelancers develop various talents and can make money while following their passions. 

It's an exciting way to gain experience and advance professionally, making it popular among students, creatives, and professionals everywhere.

How Freelancing works

Freelancing works by linking people with clients who need specific jobs completed. Instead of working a typical job, freelancers provide their expertise for various projects such as writing, graphic design, and programming. 

Clients offer jobs on platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr, and freelancers bid on them, showing their expertise and previous work. Once hired, they finish the project and receive payment. 

This structure provides flexibility by allowing freelancers to choose their assignments and working hours. It's a dynamic approach to obtaining various experiences while working from anywhere and being the boss.

Why freelancing is an excellent choice for students

Freelancing is an excellent option for students here I tell 12 reasons why freelancing is a great option for students

1. Flexibility: Freelancing allows students to choose tasks that work around their schedules, allowing them to balance job, study, and personal life.

2. Global Opportunities: Freelancing platforms connect students with customers all over the world, exposing them to various markets and different work cultures.

3. Skill Development: It assists students in acquiring critical skills such as time management, communication, self-discipline, and problem-solving.

4. Practical Experience: Working on real-world projects allows students to gain hands-on experience, making them more appealing to potential employers.

5. Earning Potential: Students can earn money to supplement their salary, pay tuition, or save for future needs.

6. Creative ability: Freelancers frequently can pursue initiatives that match their interests and hobbies, which fosters creativity and innovation.

7. Developing Business Skills: Freelancers frequently handle their own contracts, invoicing, and negotiations, learning significant business and financial knowledge.

8. Portfolio Development: Freelancing enables students to build a portfolio of work that highlights their talents and accomplishments to potential employers.

9. Career Exploration: It allows students to explore numerous industries and uncover their passions, enabling them to make informed career decisions.

10. Networking Opportunities: Freelancers frequently interact with a variety of clients and professions, expanding their professional network.

11. Independence: Freelancing promotes independence and entrepreneurial spirit, preparing students for a variety of career options.

12. Creating a Personal Brand: Freelancing allows students to develop their personal brand, which makes them more visible and marketable in their profession.

Also, read How do I start freelance work in 2024

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience 15 points

Point 1. Identify Your Skills and Interests

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience

Identifying your abilities and interests is critical when starting freelancing as a student with no prior experience. Begin by considering what tasks you excel at, such as creating compelling images, writing engaging material, or solving technological issues.

For example, if you've repeatedly won accolades for your storytelling skills in-class assignments, this could translate well to freelance writing or content development.

Similarly, skills learned through part-time or volunteer employment, such as customer service or event organization, can be useful assets in the freelance industry. It's also important to examine your interests, what topics or tasks excite you?

More examples

Example 1. Writing

Blog Writing: Creating engaging blog entries about travel, fashion, and technology.

Editing and Proofreading: Editing and proofreading involve polishing essays, articles, or website content to ensure it is clear and error-free.

Copywriting for Websites or Social Media: Creating engaging advertisements, product descriptions, or social media postings to attract customers.

Example 2. Design:

Graphic design: Graphic design is the creation of visually appealing posters, infographics, and logos for businesses and events.

Web design: Web design is the process of creating appealing and user-friendly websites for businesses or personal brands.

Logo Design: Creating one-of-a-kind logos to represent businesses or groups.

Example 3. Programming:

Website Development: Create visually appealing and functional websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

App Development: The process of creating useful apps for phones or tablets, such as games and tools.

Data Analysis: Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends that can help organizations make informed decisions.

Example 4. Social Media:

Managing Social Media Accounts: Posting photographs, videos, and updates to keep businesses' following engaged.

Creating Content: Creating visually appealing posts and advertisements for social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

Running Ad Campaigns: Creating and managing internet advertising campaigns to attract a larger audience and increase revenues.

Example 5. Research:

Academic Research: Academic research entails studying and producing articles on science, history, and literature for school or academic journals.

Market Research: Market research entails discovering what consumers buy and why, as well as assisting businesses in determining how to better offer their products.

Content Writing Based on Research: Creating extensive articles or research based on survey or study results in specialized disciplines.

Point 2. Learn and Develop Skills

To be successful as a freelancer, you must continually study and improve your abilities. Begin by defining the key abilities required for your chosen freelancing field. 

For example, if you're interested in graphic design, you may need to learn how to use software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Enrolling in online classes through platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning can be quite beneficial. 

These platforms include a diverse selection of courses in areas such as web development, digital marketing, writing, and design. Consistent practice is essential for skill improvement. Set aside some time each day or week to improve your skills. 

For example, if you're learning to code, you could create little projects or contribute to open-source ones. 

Also, make use of free materials such as YouTube tutorials, blogs, and free ebooks. Many professionals provide helpful insights and step-by-step guidance online.

Joining an online community might also improve your learning experience. Participate in forums and groups about your field on websites such as Reddit, Stack Overflow, and specialty Facebook groups. 

These communities can offer support, comments, and more learning materials. Seeking feedback is crucial; share your work with colleagues, mentors, or online groups to receive constructive criticism that can help you develop.

Keeping up with the most recent advances and ideas in your field is also essential. Stay informed by reading business blogs, joining newsletters, and attending seminars. Finally, try to apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios.

Work on personal projects, start by offering your services for free or volunteer to put your abilities to use. By actively learning and growing your talents, you will gain confidence in giving your services and increase the quality of work you do for clients. 

This ongoing development will make you more appealing to potential clients and aid your success as a freelancer.

Point 3. Create a Portfolio

Creating a portfolio is vital for demonstrating your abilities and gaining clients. Begin by gathering your greatest work, whether from school assignments, personal projects, or charity work. Include a variety of samples to show your breadth and competence.

For example, if you are a writer, include blog pieces, essays, and social media posts. If you're a designer, include logos, website designs, and graphics.

To display your portfolio, use internet sites such as Behance, Dribbble, or your own personal website. Make sure each component is accompanied by a brief explanation of the project and your role in it. 

Keep your portfolio fresh with your most recent work to represent your current abilities. A well-organized and visually appealing portfolio will allow potential clients to see your skills and boost your chances of winning freelance jobs.

Point 4. Set Up an Online Presence

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience

Setting up an online presence is critical for getting clients and establishing a freelance career. Begin by setting up professional profiles on prominent freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Fill out your profiles with extensive information about your talents, expertise, and services provided.

Next, create a personal website to promote your portfolio, including your contact information, and write a blog to highlight your competence. 

Use social networking channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with new clients and other freelancers in your sector. Increase your visibility by sharing your work regularly, participating in relevant topics, and joining industry groups.

Ensure that all of your online profiles and platforms present a uniform and professional image. A solid internet presence will allow you to interact with clients, exhibit your expertise, and create credibility in your chosen sector, resulting in additional freelance chances.

Point 5. Join Freelance Platforms

Joining a freelance platform is an excellent method to obtain employment and expand your client base. Begin by creating profiles on popular platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. 

These websites connect freelancers with clients searching for a variety of skills, including writing, design, programming, and marketing.

When creating your profile, include a professional photo, a thorough explanation of your talents and services, and samples of your work. Take the time to complete any accessible tests or certificates to demonstrate your skills.

Once your profile is set up, begin applying for jobs that match your qualifications. Create individual proposals for each position, emphasizing how your experience and skills make you an ideal candidate for the project. 

Being patient and persistent in establishing a name on these platforms takes time, but it can result in consistent business and long-term clients.

Point 6. Network and Connect

Networking is vital for advancing your freelance profession. Join online networks and forums on sites such as LinkedIn, Reddit, and Facebook to participate in discussions, share your work, and provide feedback. 

Attend local meetings, workshops, and industry conferences to network with possible clients and fellow freelancers in person.

Use your university's activities and alumni network to connect with people who can offer advice or job chances. Building a strong network can result in referrals, collaborations, and new initiatives. 

Maintain an engaged and real tone in your discussions, since meaningful connections can considerably improve your freelancing success. Networking allows you to learn from others, increase your visibility, and create great chances for your profession.

Point 7. Leverage Your Existing Network

Use your existing network to launch your freelance business. Begin by notifying friends, family, and classmates about your services. They may require your expertise or know someone who does.

Reach out to former teachers, mentors, and colleagues for advice or leads. Use social media networks such as LinkedIn to promote your freelance services and network with others in your sector.

Join university alumni groups and attend events to broaden your reach. By leveraging your existing network, you can quickly locate first clients, gain referrals, and establish a reputation. 

Remember that personal recommendations are effective and can considerably increase your freelancing success.

Point 8. Offer Competitive Rates

Setting competitive fees is critical when beginning as a freelancer with little experience. Check profiles on freelancing services such as Upwork and Fiverr to see how much others in your profession charge. Initially, consider giving somewhat reduced charges to attract clients and create your portfolio.

To minimize mistakes, clearly clarify what your rates include. As you gain experience and receive great feedback, progressively raise your fees to reflect your developing expertise.

 Offering competitive charges allows you to stand out and attract clients while establishing your reputation and generating a consistent stream of work. Remember that balancing fair pricing with the value you offer is critical to long-term freelancing success.

Point 9. Seek Small Gigs and Projects

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience

When starting off, look for little engagements and projects to grow your portfolio and get experience. Look for short-term or part-time projects on freelance websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Smaller positions are less competitive and easier to find, making them perfect for beginners.

Offer your talents for tiny tasks like writing blog articles, making simple logos, or correcting minor issues in software. These projects allow you to sharpen your talents, receive positive feedback, and build a work history.

 Furthermore, completing modest jobs might lead to repeat business and bigger chances. Starting with simple tasks allows you to gain confidence and progressively advance to more sophisticated and higher-paying freelance employment.

Point 10. Focus on Delivering Quality Work

Delivering excellent work is critical to freelance success. Always aim to exceed clients' expectations by paying close attention to detail, fulfilling deadlines, and communicating clearly. High-quality work generates favorable feedback, repeat business, and referrals.

Understand the client's requirements completely before beginning a project, and provide regular updates. Be open to input and handle any concerns in a timely and professional manner.

Consistently delivering exceptional results can boost your reputation and help you establish a solid portfolio. Quality work distinguishes you from the competition and attracts new opportunities, ensuring your long-term success in the freelancing field.

Point 11. Ask for Feedback and Testimonials

Asking for Feedback and testimonials is important for honing your talents and establishing your reputation. After completing a project, seek feedback from your clients to determine what went well and where you can improve. Positive testimonials can be displayed on your profiles and website to attract new customers.

Ask satisfied clients for a brief testimonial about their experience working with you. Include these testimonials in your portfolio and online profiles to establish credibility.

 Constructive feedback helps you grow, whereas testimonials act as social proof, making potential clients more likely to trust and hire you

Regularly soliciting feedback and testimonials encourages continual growth and increases your chances of success as a freelancer.

Point 12. Learn Time Management

Effective time management is important for freelance success. Begin by making a calendar that sets apart defined time blocks for your freelancing employment, studies, and personal interests. 

Calendars, to-do lists, and project management software can help you keep organized and fulfill deadlines.

Prioritize chores by urgency and priority, and divide larger projects into smaller parts. Avoid multitasking, which can lower productivity and quality. Set reasonable goals and leave enough time for unexpected delays or adjustments.

Review your progress regularly and make any necessary adjustments to your schedule. Good time management ensures that you provide excellent work on schedule while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance, both of which are necessary for long-term success in freelancing.

Point 13. Handle Finances Professionally

Professional financial management is critical to freelance success. Begin by opening a separate bank account for your freelance earnings to keep your personal and professional finances separate. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to keep track of your earnings, costs, and invoices.

Create and submit thorough invoices on time, and follow up with late payments professionally. Set aside a percentage of your income for taxes, and consider speaking with a tax professional to better understand your requirements.

Create a budget to control your spending and save for future needs. Organize all financial records for simple reference. 

Professional financial management ensures financial stability, allows you to make informed decisions, and keeps your freelance business running smoothly.

Point 14. Keep Learning and Improving

Continuous learning and growth are critical to remaining competitive as a freelancer. Regularly upgrade your skills by taking online classes, attending workshops, and reading industry-specific publications. Stay current on the newest trends and innovations in your field.

Obtain input from clients and peers to discover areas for improvement. Join professional groups and forums to share expertise and insights with other freelancers. Experiment with different strategies and technologies to improve your services.

Set personal and professional development goals and evaluate them regularly to keep track of your progress. 

By constantly learning and developing, you can provide higher-quality work, attract more clients, and assure long-term success in your freelancing business.

Point 15. Stay Persistent and Patient

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience

Consistency and patience are essential for creating a successful freelancing job. Understand that obtaining clients and building a reputation takes time. 

Keep going despite initial setbacks or rejections; view them as learning opportunities.

Continue applying for jobs, honing your abilities, and building your portfolio. Maintain consistency in your efforts, and you will gradually notice results. Celebrate tiny triumphs and achievements to keep yourself motivated.

Building a continuous stream of clients and establishing success will take time. Stay patient, and committed to your goals, and keep working hard.

 Your hard work and patience will pay off in the long term, resulting in a lucrative and sustainable freelance career.

What are some common freelancing mistakes to avoid?

Beginning freelancing can be exciting, especially for students hoping to make additional money and gain experience. However, several typical blunders can jeopardize your achievement. Here's what to avoid to have a seamless freelancing experience.

1. Underestimating Your Worth: Many new freelancers, particularly students, establish unrealistically low charges. It is critical to examine and comprehend the market rates for your services. While it may be tempting to work for peanuts to get started, remember that your time and skills are precious.

2. Poor Time Management: Balancing freelancing with studies may be tricky. Without proper time management, you may miss deadlines, leaving clients disappointed. Calendars checklists of tasks, and software for project management can help you stay on track with your activities and objectives.

3. Not Having a Contract: Always utilize a contract for any job, no matter how minor. A contract protects both you and your client by explicitly defining the scope of work, timeframes, payment terms, and other critical elements. It helps to avoid misunderstandings and guarantees that you are paid for your labor.

4. Ignoring Client Communication: Effective communication is essential for freelance success. Always keep your clients informed of your work and respond swiftly to their messages. Good communication fosters trust and can result in long-term working partnerships.

5. Taking on Too Much Work: Getting new tasks is great, but taking on too many can lead to fatigue and low-quality work. Be realistic about your ability to handle responsibilities, and don't be afraid to say no if you're feeling overwhelmed.

6. Failing to Promote Yourself: Do not expect clients to find you on their own. Regularly promote your products or services using the internet, social networking sites, and freelance marketplaces. A strong online presence can lead to more clients and opportunities.

Knowing and avoiding these typical freelancing blunders will help you have a more successful and pleasurable freelance experience. Remember that learning how to start freelancing as a student with no experience entails not only finding work but also managing it effectively.

How do I handle difficult clients?

Dealing with problematic clients is a task that all freelancers experience at some point. Here are some techniques to manage them effectively:

1. Remain Calm and Professional: When dealing with a tough client, always maintain a professional demeanor. Respond gently to their concerns, and avoid becoming defensive. Maintaining your composure helps to de-escalate uncomfortable circumstances.

2. Active Listening: Some clients simply want to be heard. Listen to their concerns or feedback without interrupting. Recognize their concerns and demonstrate that you understand them. This frequently relieves frustration and leads to a more constructive discourse.

3. Set Clear Boundaries: From the start, set clear boundaries for your working hours, communication routes, and reaction times. Let clients know when and how they can contact you, and follow these principles.

4. Communicate Clearly: Make sure that all project details, including deadlines, deliverables, and payment terms, are clearly stated in a contract. Keep your client informed of your progress regularly and address any issues as soon as they arise.

5. discover Common Ground: Try to discover a solution that benefits both you and the client. Make compromises wherever possible without abandoning your own demands or ideals. Finding common ground can transform a challenging situation into a collaborative one.

6. Document everything: Maintain complete records of all communications, agreements, and project changes. Having a paper trail might help you avoid arguments and clarify misunderstandings.

7. Know When to Walk Away: Despite your best efforts, a client relationship may be beyond repair. If a customer is frequently unreasonable, disrespectful, or refuses to follow agreed-upon terms, it may be time to part ways professionally. Protecting your emotional health and professional ethics is more essential than working with a tough customer.

By implementing these tactics, you will be able to better manage tough clients while keeping professionalism and guaranteeing a great freelance experience. Remember that how you approach obstacles is an important element of learning how to start freelancing as a student with no experience.


Starting freelancing as a student with no experience may appear overwhelming, but with determination and the appropriate attitude, it can be quite rewarding. Begin by defining your abilities and hobbies, which might include writing, graphic design, programming, or social media management.

 Learn and improve these abilities by taking online courses, practicing, and receiving feedback. Create a portfolio that highlights your best work and establish a strong online presence on platforms such as Upwork and LinkedIn. 

Active networking allows you to connect with potential clients and leverage your existing contacts for business prospects. 

To establish a positive reputation, start by offering competitive rates and focusing on delivering quality services. To maintain professionalism, learn time management skills, and be responsible for financial management. 

Continue to learn, be persistent, and be patient; success in freelancing requires continual progress and perseverance. By taking these steps, you may confidently begin your freelancing journey and carve up a profitable career path. 

How to start freelancing as a student with no experience entails accepting obstacles and taking opportunities to advance professionally and personally.


1: Can I begin freelancing as a student without any prior experience?

Absolutely! Many freelancers start their jobs while still attending school. Focus on leveraging your abilities and enthusiasm to provide valuable services while progressively expanding your portfolio.

2: How can I get freelancing work if I don't have any experience?

Begin by looking into freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Look for little jobs or projects that fit your talents. Networking and reaching out to current relationships might also lead to new opportunities.

3: What should I add to my freelancer portfolio if I don't have any professional experience?

Include school projects, personal projects, or charity activities to demonstrate your abilities. Even whether it is unpaid or class-related, it demonstrates your skills and dedication.

4: With no past professional experience, how do I set my freelance rates?

Look up prices in your sector on freelancing platforms. Begin with competitive rates to attract clients, then alter as you gain expertise and positive feedback.

5: How can I reconcile freelancing with my academics as a student?

Time management is critical. Make a timetable that sets apart certain time blocks for freelancing, studying, and personal activities. Prioritize work and set achievable goals to preserve balance and avoid burnout.